National Security Agency hacktivated based on Microsoft's flaw

When Microsoft is carrying R&D under the branches like Mixed Reality and Automobile Infotainment, it has been facing security challenges. The recent attack on National Security Agency (NSA) stood as an example of Microsoft's security flaw. Hackers attacked and infected the several thousands of computers in European, Latin American and some Asian countries on Friday.
On a higher note, the authorities like Russian Interior Ministry, National Health Services, and the tech giants like Telefonica and FedEx were also affected with this attack. "More than malware, ransomware was used for the attack", opines the security experts.
Ransomware is a kind of file that locks the computer, in which it is infected, and releases the computer only upon a "ransom". This encrypts the data and makes it obsolete till a ransom is paid.
Upon gathering the reasons for this mishap, NSA finalised that the attack was done based on the loop hole in the Microsoft's software. An anonymous group named "Shadow Brokers" revealed this flaw in April, where Microsoft has figured out this flaw even before them, in the month of March and released a patch immediately. But the system administrators have failed to apply this patch successfully, which ultimately resulted in this massacre.
Phishing through e-mails is the major point of "injecting" the ransomware into a machine connected to the internet. In the history of cyber attacks, this is the first instance of deploying ransomware. The application is called "Wanna Decrypt0r 2.0", which is responsible for the attack. The bothering feature of this application is that it support twenty-eight languages, which means that the target of this attack is not just restricted to a few countries.
**Being online is OK. But, be safe. DO NOT open tempting mails, whatever it offers you. Or you will be a victim of hacking.**